So a big football game is coming on (somebody vs. somewhere), and given my staggering lack of interest in all things football (3 older brothers, 2 dads, and an ex-husband have pretty much sucked the football out of my happy bubble), he decides to head down to the local Elk’s Lodge bar, to cheer, stomp, moan, and drink in unison with 100 or so boisterous, lively fellow Elks. He’s happy. I’m happy.
Shortly thereafter, I get a distress call, with him yelling loudly into the phone over the din of raucous, cheering crowd noise, that it’s his turn to buy a round and he’s forgotten our debit card PIN number. “I’ve told you AT LEAST a dozen times!” I yell back. “I KNOW!,” he shouts, “But I can’t remember! Tell me again! And SPEAK UP! I can barely hear you!!” Seriously? Over the phone? Taking a deep breath, I shout over the background noise, “1-2-3-4!” “WHAT??” he yells. “!!!” I scream, reaching for a headache-size glass of wine. “ OKAY, I GOT IT!!” he shouts happily, “!!” Sigh…I think he’s got it. So does every other Elk in the room.
It occurred that since this IS Buy-Your-Last-Minute-Votes Month, leaving what is now virtually an open tab to every football-loving Elk in 2 counties should at least merit a few nods towards my nomination for Elkette of the year. Maybe I’ll take this quiet opportunity to work on my acceptance speech…
MEN!!! Can’t live with them and can’t live without them!!!!!!
So true, Joy! Or as they say, “Can’t live with ’em, can’t shoot ’em!” :)