To celebrate these last few glorious, warm dog days of summer, Kenny presents me with his Big Idea for the weekend: We hop on his motorcycle (me on the back, completely obscuring my ability to see anything except the back of his helmet or my life flashing before my eyes every time an 18-wheeler roars by at 75 mph, while simultaneously ignoring my inner control freak that says “If I can’t drive, I’m not going”), loaded down with a tent and three days worth of essentials stuffed into something called a “saddlebag,” to hit the open road for a weekend of sleeping on the dirt with nothing between us and God-knows-what wild animals (or crazed, ax-wielding humans…”Criminal Minds” anyone??) but tarp, building fires and eating food off a stick, and rising in the morning to bathe in whatever ice-cold stream we happen to find, only to hike back out to the road, strap it all down, and repeat…TWICE. Ummmm, 12 years of marriage… HAVE WE MET??
joy ruddock says
Thats not my idea of a good time anymore either!!!! The ground is too hard and my body is too soft!!!!! And crawling out of a tent in the middle of the night is just tooo much!!!!
Vikki Claflin says
Hi Joy! Let’s go for a girls’ camping weekend… We’ll find a great hotel with a pool and room service! :)