When I was in my late 40s, I decided to get my breasts lifted. I didn’t want them bigger. Just higher. Back up where the good Lord put them before gravity and age began to coax them closer to my naval than my clavicles. There’s just something about looking in the mirror every morning to […]
Yes, I Could Call AAA, But You’d Miss the Shimmy Dance
Kenny and I have a “marital chore” arrangement that basically delegates anything inside the house to me, and anything outside the house to him. Friends and family know, of course, that this excludes cooking, since Hubs hates untoasted Pop-Tarts (in every flavor. I know…baffles me too), which is the extent of my culinary expertise. He […]
Closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear? Grab my FREE "Ninja Closet Cleaning Course (what to toss, what to keep)," and find out how to love your clothes again.