I was watching The Voice recently, and I found myself imagining what life would be like for someone with that kind of talent. These people were amazing, and I imagined that the world must be like a nonstop birthday party for the lucky few that could belt out a heart-wrenching rendition of “Endless Love” and turn it into a […]
Sex. The Good, the Bad, and the What the Hell Were We Thinking?
Sex. We think about it, talk about it, chase it, avoid it, admit to it, deny it, yearn for it, or maybe content without it. Some women believe it’s second only to chocolate, while others, frankly, don’t understand what the fuss is all about. But it weaves itself into our lives in context with where we’re at, at that moment. Sex […]
Why Women Need BFFs
Hubs and I recently heard that some close friends of ours were splitting up. Shortly thereafter, the guys met for burgers and beers at a local sports bar. I specifically instructed Hubs to do some sleuthing, and when he arrived home, I was full of questions about what he found out. Five minutes later, I was sorely disappointed. “What did he […]
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